
Call for Paper @UbuConAsia 2023 Now Open! 📢

2022-06-12 04:30 PM +0900
  • Saputro Aryulianto

LibreOffice Conf Asia x UbuCon Asia 2023 (hereafter LOUCA23) is an event that brings together Linux and Open Source Software (OSS) activists, contributors, users, communities, and businesses in the Asian region, especially those related to and focused on LibreOffice and Ubuntu projects. This year, LOUCA2023 will be held on 7-8 October 2023 at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia! We offer two types of presentations: Parallel classes (45 minutes presentation including Q&A) Lightning talks (10 minutes presentation with no Q&A).

UbuCon Asia 2023 will be on Surakarta, Indonesia

2022-06-08 04:30 PM +0900
  • Youngbin Han

The UbuCon Asia 2023 will be on Surakarta, Indonesia. It will be held at Aula FKIP (Gedung F), UNS from 7th to 8th of October. It will be also a joint event with LibreOffice Conf Asia.

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Last update: Update index.html (2024-06-09T01:22:05+09:00) - Youngbin Han