
Call for Paper @UbuConAsia 2023 Now Open! 📢


  • Saputro Aryulianto

LibreOffice Conf Asia x UbuCon Asia 2023 (hereafter LOUCA23) is an event that brings together Linux and Open Source Software (OSS) activists, contributors, users, communities, and businesses in the Asian region, especially those related to and focused on LibreOffice and Ubuntu projects. This year, LOUCA2023 will be held on 7-8 October 2023 at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia!

We offer two types of presentations:

  • Parallel classes (45 minutes presentation including Q&A)
  • Lightning talks (10 minutes presentation with no Q&A).

For both events, the speakers can choose the following topics:

Here is some tracks that available to choose for your best topics!

LibreOffice Track

  • LibreOffice Development
  • LibreOffice Extensions
  • Development
  • LibreOffice Quality Assurance (QA)
  • LibreOffice l10n
  • LibreOffice Design
  • LibreOffice Community Engagement
  • LibreOffice Tips & Tutorials
  • LibreOffice Documentation
  • LibreOffice Online
  • LibreOffice Support & Ecosystem
  • LibreOffice Interoperability & Open Document Format

Ubuntu Track

  • Desktop and WSL
  • Cloud and Infrastructure
  • Localizations and Accessibility
  • Documentations and QA
  • Security and Compliance
  • Data, AI and ML
  • Content and Design
  • Community
  • Devices and IoT

For a more detailed description of Ubuntu Track, please refer to this link.

What should you consider before submitting proposal?

This is LibreOffice and Ubuntu events. Both related topics will get much higher priority. Choose an exciting title rather than a complicated one and please be specific! Please avoid submitting a proposal that reveals copyrighted material or the intent of the advertisement. The organizers only provide general tools such as LCD projectors and internet connection. The speakers must provide their own specific needs for the presentations. The speakers can submit more than one proposal. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas!

Submit your proposal before July, 31 and Thanks a lot for your participation!

Saputro Aryulianto

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© 2023 UbuCon Asia 2023 Website authors. Except where otherwise noted, Website source code licensed under MIT, Contents licensed under CC BY 4.0. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

Last update: Update index.html (2024-06-09T01:22:05+09:00) - Youngbin Han